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The Heritage School

The Heritage School Primary section was built in 1997, and first opened its doors in January 1998, with 520 children. The Secondary Department was built over the period 1998 to 2000 and pupils graduated to this department from the Heritage Primary Department and from other schools.
We built an Assembly Hall, the Pavilion Sports Centre, and two swimming pools the following year.
The Sixth Form Department was built in 2004 to accommodate 100 students.
The playing fields and gardens have been developed over a period of time, and improvements are on-going.

The Heritage School consists of three departments, The Infant Department, The Junior Department and The Secondary Department.   There are approximately 340 pupils/students in each department.  
The Heritage School is divided into two departments, the Primary Department (2-12+ years), and the Secondary Department (13-18+). Pupils may join the school at a variety of ages as places become available, but the main entry points are 2 years old (Nursery)  and 13 years old (Form 1) when we have three new classes in each age group starting every January.
The Heritage School provides continuity and a sense of family as it is possible for a child to start their schooling in a Nursery class and progress through all the grades to Upper Sixth. Pupils in Grade 7 are guaranteed a place in Form 1 thus enabling parents, pupils and staff to plan ahead with confidence.
We are proud of the education given to Heritage children, and we feel there are many reasons for our success. Here are a few of them:
Consistent high standards in work, dress, speech and behaviour.
Consistent high achievements.
A well qualified and dedicated team of teachers.
Quality equipment and outstanding facilities.
A well-structured system offering equality of opportunity.
A thriving multi-cultural, multi-faith environment.
Learning in a co-educational environment from 2 years to 18 years old.
The Infant Section
Each child is an individual with specific needs and capabilities. He or she should achieve at an early age, a sound grasp of basic concepts, so that future progress can be built on sure foundations. Through a broadly based curriculum, and the caring and dedicated approach of staff, we encourage and watch over the emotional, social, cultural, physical and emotional development of the individual child.
The Junior Section
In the Junior Department you will find a caring atmosphere with mutual trust, respect and a friendship between staff and pupils. We encourage and help each pupil to maximize their potential, and to aim high. We feel our style is appropriate to this age group, where pupils are eager to learn and take part in school activities with a positive attitude.
The Secondary Section
The Secondary Department offers the opportunity for boys and girls who have enrolled in the Primary Department to continue their education without the trauma of changing schools after Grade 7. There is an entrance examination, but this is only used to organize the students into their ability groups in Form 1.
Those students joining from other schools will find the same friendly, caring atmosphere, and they should have no problem in fitting comfortably into our community of mixed sex, race, and ability
Classrooms are light and modern, each with an integral teacher's office. Our additional teaching facilities include a lecture theatres technology laboratory, well equipped with Pentium IV computers, Flat Screens, printers, and other hardware, modern science laboratories for practical work, a well equipped workshops for design and technology, art rooms, an attractive modern food science suite, music rooms, and two school libraries.
Sports facilities, We currently have three sports fields, we have an excellent 8-lane 25 metre anti-wave swimming pool, and three basketball courts and one indoor hockey pitch four tennis courts with an area earmarked for a further five courts for future development, five all weather cricket nets.
http: //www.theheritage. co. zw
School Summary:
Founded 1998
Students, aged 2 - 18
Curriculum: British National Curriculum 
Examinations: Cambridge International Diplomas, AS Level, A Level, IGCSE & ZIMSEC
