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Redfield College

855 Old Northern Road

Dural NSW2158

Tel: 02 9651 4066



Key Details

Type: Independent

Level: Combined

Gender: Boys

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Our School

Redfield aschool of The PARED Foundation (Parents for Education) is characterised by many features. * The system of education is personalised seeking to integrate the pursuit of academic excellence the acquisition of skills and the development of the student's character. * Our school is a family school where the educational rights of the family come first. The school has the dual role of providing for the overall development of the students as well as assisting parents to be more effective educators of their children. * The Personalised Tutorial System pioneered in Australia by PARED ensures that each child is encouraged to become the best person he or she can be. It facilitates the partnership between parents and school to ensure the children receive a holistic and efficacious education.

Educational Principles

The School's personalised system of education is based on a number of principles. * The education of children is primarily the responsibility of parents and is determined to a great extent by the personal example of the parents themselves. * The student benefits most when there is harmony between the two major learning environments of home and school; therefore parents and teachers should try to grow in the qualities they wish the students to acquire. * Teachers are vital partners with parents in a common endeavour. The basis of this partnership is a loyal and mutual understanding of each others' complementary roles. * Parents and teachers who are striving for excellence need ongoing professional input as educators. * The student's behaviour should be the consequence of personal convictions acquired in a climate that balances discipline and freedom as the basis for an authentic sense of responsibility.

Parents & Teachers Working Together

The Personalised Tutorial System is the most distinctive means to reinforce the work of parents. Students are assigned an individual tutor who is a member of the school teaching staff. The tutor meets regularly with the student with the student's teachers and with the parents. In this way parents teachers and students co-operate in effective goal setting. This tutor assists each student in his academic progress and character development. The tutor's rapport and friendship with the student and family are fundamental to the educational process. Apart from formal parent-tutor interviews the tutor is available to talk with parents whenever necessary. The parent-tutor relationship is a natural means to ensure that home and school work together effectively.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement with Redfield signifies the willingness of parents to take advantage of the means which the College offers to assist them in their task as primary educators of their children. An ongoing programme of parent functions which includes talks workshops and family education courses provides parents with the opportunity for personal enrichment and development. The College has a network of Class Parents who foster friendship and unity amongst the parents of the individual classes. Families of all religious social and cultural backgrounds attend Redfield. The family environment of the school built on shared ideals and values Helps forge bonds of friendship which provide parents teachers and students with positive and supportive peer groups.

Character Development

The emphasis placed on character development is a major feature of Redfield. An ongoing Human Virtues Programme fosters the development of qualities such as sincerity industriousness order cheerfulness generosity and service to others. This aspect of the education offered is the basis for fostering the full development of the student's character. Leadership and community service programs complement the focus of character education. This is based on the conviction that leaders must be persons of integrity with a genuine commitment to serve others

Spiritual Development

Redfield offers students a solid grounding in the Catholic faith as the basis for a simple and deep love of God. Students are encouraged to live their faith with a genuine spirit of freedom and commitment. The College emphasises the primary role that parents play in their children's spiritual development. The chaplains of Redfield are priests of Opus Dei apersonal Prelature of the Catholic Church whose aim is to assist all people to live the universal call to holiness.


OPEN DAYSTerm 1 - 13th MarchTerm 2 - 22nd MayTerm 3 - 31st JulyTerm 4 - 16th OctoberVisiting times - 10. 00am - 1. 30pmHeadmaster's Talk - 1. 00pmStudents conduct guided tours throughout the day. Staff and parents are available to answer any questions you may have about the school's aims and features. A talk on our unique approach to personalised education is given.


Australia's future requires leaders of strong character and skills to successfully guide and direct the nation and the institutions for the good of all Australians. With effective leadership education our leaders for the future can be nurtured from an early age.

The Redfield Leadership and Community Service Program is setting out to achieve this. We hope that other schools pick up on the integrated and developmental structure of the program on the insistence on character education and on the need for ongoing experience of service and so that this program can be a beacon for others to follow.

The Program is a continuation and further development of the character education program at the school. It has grown from the conviction that the most effective leadership education must incorporate a strong emphasis on character education and on service to others.


Students from Years 2-12 are involved in a wide variety of community service experiences. Theory about serving others is insufficient; young people need to develop the wherewithal to be persons of action not nice idealists.

The overall aim of the community service at the school is to develop in the boys a spirit of generosity in thinking about the needs of others. The programs require the boys to give up some of their time to do something for others in the community.

Through the various service activities the school hopes that the boys will learn to develop an awareness of the needs of those around them and of the community whereby they then feel confident in addressing those needs in later life.


Redfield Primary currently offers extension activities to students in a number of ways;

  • Programmed extension within the home classroom
  • Extension by withdrawal from class
  • Extension Activity

    Other activities- The school also offers debating classes public speaking contests chess club and various music programmes.


    With many changes in neurological research there is always something new to learn and we have had many successes in using this knowledge. At various times depending on needs groups are formed for extra attention.

    • Spalding
    • Reading
    • Comprehension - a visualizing and verbalizing program
    • Written expression
    • Mathematics
    • Handwriting

    Typically our work is with small groups of boys who meet together several times each week in the special needs rooms.

    BMX Movement Classes: In addition to the small special needs groups that operate throughout the week there is a movement class. The boys love this class and are proud of the improvements they are making. The exercises are designed to stimulate the brain highlighting coordination balance and spatial difficulties.


    At Redfield effective communication with parents is integral to the ethos of the College. All parents receive the following written reports and information about the academic progress of their son in his studies;

    • Four comprehensive written reports are sent home to parents each year.
    • All students in Years 7-12 receive Assessment Task Report Forms to be sighted by parents.
    • Portfolios are prepared by all students in Years 2-6 to go home at the end of each semester.
    • Parents attend the school four times each year for interviews with their son's tutor.
    • All parents are asked to attend the Key Parent Functions three times each year.
    • In addition when warranted there is a wide variety of further communiction from the College in relation to academic performance.
    • Recognition for students who have excelled in particular areas who have been singled out for Headmaster's letters of commendation each semester or who have been selected for Honours subjects.
    • Written notice to parents of concerns about patterns of sub-standard application.
    • Notice to parents of special needs placements each term.


    The mission of Redfield College Library is to support the school's curriculum in a collaborative partnership. The Library encourages promotes and assists members so they can be effective and discriminating users of ideas and information. The Library fosters the reading habit and use of the Library for lifelong learning. The Library wants the students to be effective communicators constructive thinkers community contributors and producers of practical intellectual physical and artistic products.


    "A true education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to his ultimate goal and simultaneously with respect to the good of society to which he belongs and in the duties of which as an adult he will have a share".  Vatican II



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