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John Colet School

6 Wyatt Avenue

Belrose NSW2085

Tel: 02 9451 8395

Fax: 02 9975 2071



Key Details

Type: Independent

Level: Primary

Gender: Coed

Religious Affiliation: Multi-Faith

Learning Extension: Yes

Traditional values innovative approach

John Colet School has a strong basis of traditional values systematic and thorough teaching and commonsense discipline. This is combined with an imaginative approach by committed enthusiastic teachers. The result is an innovative and enjoyable syllabus presented in a stimulating and loving atmosphere.

Academic excellence

The school does not believe in 'talking down' to children and provides an ambitious curriculum. We offer a high staff/student ratio with a maximum class size of 22 students in Infants classes. The school consistently has two to three times the state average in the top Basic Skills bands. Graduates have outstanding success in selective schools entry and independent schools' scholarship tests.

Cultural enrichment

Studying Shakespeare is a special feature of a John Colet education and our annual Shakespeare Festival involves every child. The plays are abridged but the fine language of the playwright is not otherwise simplified. Children are also introduced to classical languages and choral singing.

A spiritual dimension to education

The children are introduced to some of the eternal human questions: What am I? Is there a Creator? How should people live? Not only do the children study these great questions they are encouraged to put them into practice which is essential for values-based lives and for their future as responsible world citizens. The children are given clear and reasonable guidelines and good behaviour is consistently reinforced to help them develop a courteous well mannered and respectful disposition.

Opportunities for enrichment

Since the school has a strong academic and cultural focus gifted children are particularly well served by the ambitious curriculum at John Colet. We have in addition agifted and talented policy of extending students' interests and abilities. This includes appropriate acceleration enrichment and extension programs.

The world after school

Since its founding in 1985 awhole generation of John Colet students has finished tertiary education and training and has begun careers as varied as the John Colet education experiences they first enjoyed. They are economists and educationalists; accountants and lawyers; nurses and teachers. They study everything from aeronautical engineering to opera singing. One of our aims for our graduates is that they will have 'a life lived in service'. Our hope is that John Colet graduates will be well-rounded people with enquiring minds WArm hearts and vigorous spirits who are able to take their place in the world with confidence ability and with a strong moral framework.



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