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Study Health Sciences Antigua Caribbean

Welcome to the University of Health Sciences Antigua. As you are presently in pursuit of Educational Freedom and Diversity, you are bound to encounter battle of the Brands among the institutions, i.e., one medical school is better than the other, just like Anacin pain killer is better than Excedrin pain killer which serves the same purpose. In Medicine, we have several certifying examinations such as United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE) for those intending to practice in the United States, and Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) for those intending to practice in Canada, just to name a few, that equalized Medical Schools around the world. The Medical Schools are not ranked by quality according to Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) due to "such variables as their size and the reputation of the faculty, level of research funding and clinical facilities". Attempt to stratify an institution by individuals or agencies as well as pseudo-professionals is an injustice to the medical profession. Besides the Traditional medical program, we have developed Non-traditional curriculum (3-year and 5-year curricula) with different objectives but the same outcome. TheNon-traditional Curriculumhas been developed in response to increasing demand for Primary Health Care Physicians. The Traditional Curriculum and the Non-traditional Curriculum are the same as far as the curricula contents are concerned, however, the mode of implementation is somewhat different. The Non-traditional Curriculummeets the eligibility requirements for admissions to the United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE). The On-line Lecture Presentations (OLCLP, OLBSLP, and OLMPLP) added to our curriculum as to complement the learning experience of students during basic sciences and clerkships. It further ensure that students have every opportunity to become the best physicians possible. We are proud to state that the value and benefits of On-line teaching, of which we are one of the earliest pioneers, are being recognized worldwide. For example, Dr. Bill Behrbom, an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Dept.of Oral Medicine and Pathology at NYC recently stated: "I present lectures to about 300 students, and out of the 300 students, about 200 show up. Out of those 200, about 100 sleep and 100 are awake. Out of the awake ones, about 50 pay attention and 50 are in some other world. " Further, "All of my lectures are posted on the internet (NYU's Internet). All students read my lectures from the website, study from that, and do well on the exams (and my exams aren't easy)". We believe that the introduction of the On-line lecture presentations into our curriculum is an effective tool for lecture delivery, and is comparable to some of the techniques used at New York University as well as other reputable institutions in the United States. It allows the students to manage their time better and more productively. Since the attention span of human beings are becoming less and less in reality, the most effective technology to bring it back to life for students is On-line lectures. And if we have to have Health for All in the New Millennium, it is highly essential that we follow the new world order regardless of the few die-hard individuals who are resistant to changes. But rest assured that the University of Health Sciences Antigua (UHSA) will continue to produce some of the best physicians in the world. Within the same context, students and participants in the University of Health Sciences Antigua's ( UHSA's) program should imbibe the spirit of excellence and take advantage of the numerous innovative programs available in the University. Thank you and best wishes in the pursuit of Academic freedom and Diversity.
Akin Omitowoju

President of UHSA

University of Health Sciences Antigua- School of Medicine
Dowhill Campus, Piccadilly, Box 510, St. John's, Antigua, W. I

Tel: 1(268)460-1391

 Fax: 1(268)460-1477

 or 1(268)562-1852

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